Need Co-Working or Part-Time Office Space?

Co-Working / Part-Time workspace minimizes your costs while maximizing your flexibility

If you're constantly on the move, or find yourself trying to conduct business in loud unproductive office spaces, such as coffee shops, you may want to book a tour and discover how the SuiteWorks location might be able to help you. We have flexible, Co-Working / Part-Time Office Space ready and waiting for you.

Our fully equipped workstations are ready to go when you are, and our flexible terms keep you agile in this ever changing economic environment.

If you are experiencing any of the following situations, then you might want to book a tour of SuiteWorks:

  • You're working from home but understand the limitations of doing so.
  • You need to set up a satellite office without incurring the cost of a traditional lease.
  • You're mobile professional, or consultant and need access to a network of locations in Barrie or across the GTA.
  • You're in the start-up, new business phase and need to match the uncertainty of your business with a flexible office space arrangment.