Sunday, 8 June 2014

Are traditional offices disappearing?

Here's an interesting article about how workspaces are changing and how business centres like SuiteWorks offer practical solutions to the many forms of small businesses today, from single owner, to larger work-groups.

"As business centre owners and operators know, the office environment isn’t what it used to be. With the rise of online communication systems, the need for a traditional office space is no longer a necessity. Nowadays over 60% of businesses allow their employees to work remotely and focus more on overall job performance than specific working hours.

Due to technological advances in computing, working remotely is more widely accepted than it was 5-10 years ago; and it’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs to start and manage entire empires from the comfort of their homes.

Traditional leased office space will always be around, but that doesn’t mean it will always be the most productive. As humans we strive for efficiency and often prioritize convenience over anything else. As digital office systems continue to develop and make working life more efficient, increasing numbers of people will start making the transfer to remote environments.

While traditional office spaces won’t completely die out, they are likely to take a backseat in the not-so-distant future."

Read the full article | Officing Today "Is the end of the traditional office in sight?"

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